Lease Plan
We provide Lease Plans that are 100% Land Registry compliant, for residential and commercial properties.
Lease Plan
with site visit
Up to 1,000 Sq Ft,
7p Per Additional Sq Ft Thereafter
Lease Plan
without site visit
Up to 1,000 Sq Ft,
7p Per Additional Sq Ft Thereafter
Example Lease Plans
What is a Lease Plan?
A Lease Plan is a scaled drawing that identifies the boundaries (usually referred to as the ‘demise’) of a leasehold property.
The Lease Plan will also detail any communal areas which the lease grants access to and include an OS map to show how the demise sits within the local area.
More information on Lease Plans is available on the Government Website
How does it work?
If you require a new Lease Plan, one of our surveyors will need to visit your property to take accurate measurements.
Typically, they will require between 1 and 2 hours on site with access to every room.
Back at the office, we finalise the plans using CAD (computer-aided design).
You will receive your finished Lease Plan via email within 48 hours of the site visit.
The Lease Plan will be in pdf format.
Why do I need a Lease Plan?
Applying to increase the length of your lease.
When the demise has changed (typically when an extension has been built).
You may also need an updated Lease Plan if your existing Lease Plan predates the 2002 Land Registration Act.
If you are submitting a lease application, a Lease Plan forms an essential part of that application. The most common reasons for needing to submit a lease application are: