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We provide Land Registry compliant Lease Plans, Title Plans & EPCs across London.

Lease Plan

A Lease Plan is a scaled drawing that identifies the boundaries (usually referred to as the ‘demise’) of a leasehold property. The Lease Plan will also detail any communal areas which the lease grants access to and include an OS map to show how the demise sits within the local area.

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Title Plan

A Title Plan is a scaled drawing that identifies the boundaries (usually referred to as the ‘demise’) of a freehold property. The Title Plan will detail the surrounding area to show how the demise sits within the locality.

Domestic EPC

A Domestic EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) is a report which sets out the energy efficiency of a residential property using a traffic light system from A to G, with an A rating indicating the most efficient.

A Domestic EPC is valid for 10 years.

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Non-Domestic EPC

A Non-Domestic EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) is a report which sets out the energy efficiency of a non-domestic premises using a traffic light system from A+ to G, with an A+ rating indicating the most efficient. A Non-Domestic EPC is valid for 10 years.

Marketing Plan

A Marketing Plan (sometimes called an Estate Agent Plan or a Floor Plan) is a scale diagram of a property, as seen from above. It will show the general layout of the property and include individual room measurements and the total floor area. It will also highlight the position of the doors, windows, kitchen appliances and bathroom fittings.

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HMO Plan

HMO stands for House of Multiple Occupancy, more commonly known as a ‘house share’. An HMO Plan will show the general layout of the property including the position of the doors, windows, kitchen appliances and bathroom fittings, location of any fire safety features, such as smoke alarms, fire extinguishers and fire blankets.

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Why Choose Arc Surveys?

We deliver a fast, accurate and cost effective service with no hidden costs.

Our customers are guided through the process to ensure it’s as straightforward as possible. 


We have over 15 years experience working in the London property market.  

Our clients

We are indigenous Londoners, working and living locally.

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Daniel Fennings,
H and J Architecture

As architects we have worked with Arc Surveys for a number of years an a variety of projects. They are very easy to work with and approach every project with intelligence and expertise. We would work with Arc Surveys on every project.
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